
Hailing from the frozen mountains of northeastern Othard, this hardy and carefree Au Ra has sailed across the sea in search of exhilarating adventures and thrilling tales...

It would actually be something of a stretch to say that Toraal came from the mountains. In truth, her origins are unknown even to her, as she was adopted as a baby into the Angura Tribe along with her blood sister, Soqara. Although Raen by birth, the two sisters were given Xaela names and raised with Xaela traditions, and so did the story of Toraal Angura begin.

Opposite though they were in personalities and interests, the two sisters still managed to get along. Soqara, who was a steely youth, trained tooth and nail to become a warrior and would then brave Bardam's Mettle. In the meanwhile, the hearty and easygoing Toraal made trips to the Ruby Sea, where she would fish, swim, and sail. The sisters would then teach each other what they learned when meeting together.

One day would come when the sisters and a few other Angura were attacked by members of a hostile tribe. Though the odds were against their favor, Soqara stayed back to fight against the Xaela who attacked their camp. Toraal wanted to flee to safety with their family, but couldn't bear to leave her sister behind. The two sisters ended up fighting side by side, barely managing to escape death on that fateful day.

After the attack, Soqara trained more rigorously so that she could be stronger to protect her family, and even one day retaliate against the tribe that had attacked them. Unable to convince her sister otherwise, Toraal wished for a less vengeful way of life, enjoying fighting only for the purposes of hunting or sparring. It was then that the two sisters split paths after a fierce and bitter disagreement.

The journey into the Azim Steppe was the first chapter of Toraal's new life as an adventurer. She honed her survival and combat skills before making a trip across the sea, and began making friends along the way. When she finally sailed to Eorzea, it was the farthest Toraal had ever traveled from home, and with her, she carried a dream of catching all of the different types of fish in Hydaelyn.

As her path continued towards becoming a master angler, Toraal met incredible people with whom she became cherished friends. She built a home for herself in Limsa Lominsa, where she spent most of her time fishing or working at her pride and joy, The Boathouse Bistro. As each day passed, the Au Ra looked forward to meeting more people and cooking delicious food for them with her catches of the day.

Though her new life was full of good fortune and friendship, Toraal could not help but wonder about how Soqara was faring, and if she had made a mistake in becoming an adventuring fisher, instead of becoming a protector like her sister did for the tribe that took them in. Three summers had passed since then, and by fate's hand would Toraal move forward to become the warrior she never thought she would be.


ㅤNAMEㅤㅤToraal Angura
ㅤAGEㅤㅤAbout 22 summers
ㅤRACEㅤㅤAu Ra - Raen
ㅤGIVEN NAME DAYㅤㅤ14th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
ㅤOCCUPATIONㅤ Owner of The Boathouse Bistro, Mercenary
ㅤCLASSESㅤㅤFisher, Culinarian
ㅤJOBSㅤㅤGunbreaker (currently), Monk


ㅤSKIN TONEㅤㅤLight gray
ㅤTATTOOSㅤㅤAlong the right arm, right leg, and chest


ㅤADOPTIVE FATHERㅤㅤDolakhul Angura
ㅤSISTERㅤㅤSoqara Angura


ㅤLIKESㅤㅤFish, food, chatting, beaches, liquor, dancing
ㅤDISLIKESㅤㅤCold weather, snow, learning magic, arguments
ㅤHOBBIESㅤㅤFishing, cooking, swimming, sparring, sailing
ㅤLANGUAGESㅤㅤAuri old tongue, Eorzean
ㅤEXTRAㅤㅤTalks like a sailor when speaking Eorzean
ㅤEXTRAㅤㅤKeeps her gil savings stashed somewhere
ㅤEXTRAㅤㅤSings or hums shanties when doing tasks
ㅤEXTRAㅤㅤHad her hair chopped after a dicey mercenary job


ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤToraal is the social kind of individual who will say hello to everyone she knows at a gathering, then say goodbye to everyone she knows before leaving. Hardly the type to shy away from conversation, this lighthearted Au Ra will make friends with anyone and enjoys getting to know friends new and old. She keeps an eye out for her closer friends, and will get on their case if they're not taking care of themselves or hiding things from her so that "she doesn't worry." She will worry either way, because that's what friends do. Toraal is also a gossipmonger and loves hearing about and watching blooming relationships. She has a habit of sticking her nose where it might not belong due to her curious nature, but for the most part, she has good intentions and always seeks to put a smile on the faces of others.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ


ㅤㅤㅤㅤFishing is Toraal's favorite activity. She usually can be found out on a boat or a ship, with The Endeavor being her choice for ocean fishing. She can also be found on a beach or on some docks with her fishing gear, or she might be in the water spearfishing. If she's taking a break from her angling, Toraal might be swimming around or taking a nap on a hammock.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ


ㅤㅤㅤㅤToraal loves both cooking and eating food. If she's not gobbling up some grub, then she's probably knocking back a drink. She'll make fast friends with anyone who drinks with her or offers her food, and enjoys taking her companions out to eateries. Toraal also likes to exchange recipes with other fellow chefs and chat about business with fellow venues owners.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ


ㅤㅤㅤㅤFrom continent to continent, or from bakery to bar, Toraal is no stranger to travel. Sometimes she might get lost or sidetracked, but she usually manages to find her way to her intended destination. Many friendships have been made through her travels, and she eagerly hopes to meet more people through her adventures both in Eorzea and beyond.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ


ㅤㅤㅤㅤAs someone trained in hand-to-hand and the gunblade, Toraal enjoys hearing about the martial experience of others. She is, however, severely lacking in knowledge about magical combat, but will still eagerly listen to anyone who would like to share about how they fight. While the subject of combat arts is fascinating to her, Toraal doesn't actually enjoy fighting unless if it's for a friendly spar or punching a massive fish for lunch.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

  • I'm currently playing through post-Shadowbringers, so no spoilers would be appreciated!

  • While in venues (or out of them), I'll have my RP tag on to let people know I'm playing in character.

  • If you see me outside of a venue, chances are I'm just playing the game or hanging out. Feel free to say hi! I'm down to chat out of character.

  • I also do one-on-one or group RP to further character stories and development, but only after some kind of rapport has been made between both the characters and the players

  • Mature themes are fine with me as long as they're discussed beforehand, but I ain't here for ERP.